Identité Small, diverse, and subtle details forged our being, our soul, our identity.

Je suis enfant de l’eau diseuse de bonne aventure
Je suis enfant des rires drapés de rouges à lèvres
Je suis enfant des lèvres fébriles pressées contre des seins et des visages et des calebasses rieuses et des baobabs ensorceleurs

Je suis enfant des silences faiseurs de mots et de complicité
Je suis enfant du sucre et de la rosée tisseuse de rêves
Je suis enfant de la terre rouge aux poches pleines de friandises
Je suis enfant des regards partagés, mouillés d’amour ou de chagrin, ou d’or noir ou d’espoir

Je suis souffle
Je suis sang
Je suis or

Note: This short texts is about the joyfulness of childhood, and how small, diverse and subtle details forged our being, our soul, our identity.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi is a Togolese writer (poet, short story writer, essayist) and journalist. He has authored 5 books and won numerous literary awards in Togo and across Africa. He is also Secretary-General of the PEN association in Togo, where he promotes literature and freedom of expression in his country.

Cover Image: Identité, 2020. © Katherine Hunter.

Katherine Hunter is a Namibian illustrator, graphic designer, and dancer. She is interested in comic book illustration and fantasy fiction. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Visual Communication Design (Illustration) at the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography, her honours degree in illustration, and her master’s degree in art education from Stellenbosch University. Katherine works as a graphic designer and typesetter at HouseFinder Magazine. She has also recently launched her own Namibian art brand, Maan Atelier, which focuses on creating fantasy artwork and stories.